Nico's record since his return of a 4 day break....


New member
Oct 25, 2012
Hey guys, I just wanted to post some numbers I have come across because I feel they are interesting and can help followers or faders. You can use it it however you like. I don't want to piss off Nico, so I will just update time to time in this thread.....Thanks!

Since the 4 day break.....up to today 2/21/13

Nico on 3 and 4 unit plays ..... 29-41 roughly 41%

Nico on 2 units...... 18-25 roughly 41%

Overall that's 47-65 roughly 42%

That is out of his last 112 plays(little over 3 weeks). From what I have read and researched about Nico's system, those records and numbers should be reversed. It will be interesting to see how the rest of the season plays out, but I hate to say it, but for now, Nico is a great fade, until he shows again that the system can get back on track......I will not fade yet and just watch. However, I am starting to see some trends in his plays, and when i feel like he is turning it around I may follow again. Hitting 60% is just as hard as hitting 40% especially over 112 plays. Something is off, and I look forward to seeing how it all plays out. Hope this helps some people. Be well and of course BOL on your wagers.

New member
Oct 18, 2012
Mate, are you obsessed with Nico??? With due respect, have nothing better to do?

Yesterday he asked to leave him calm and without stress....

plz, respect him for the hard work done since october....

New member
Apr 3, 2012
I'm with Luigi. That and he said from day one that his 2 unit plays were more or less just leans, and he doesn't play them.

New member
Oct 25, 2012
Thanks for your concerns gentlemen, That is why I am in the rubber room. I asked the mods where I could post, and that is where I am. Thanks.

New member
Sep 1, 2010
rous -- what is your system's record?

the sooner you realize that you have NO IDEA what you are talking about, the better off you will be my man.

RX Local
Jul 10, 2007
Guys just for the record rous or anyone else can post a tracking thread like this as long as he isn't bashing other posters and he is being somewhat respectful.. this is the rubber room so mostly anything goes except death threats or racism.

He respected nico's wishes by not posting it in his thread and came down here which is practically freedom of speech zone

GL and guys dont fight as it solves nothing :)!/


New member
Apr 20, 2007
I'm with Luigi. That and he said from day one that his 2 unit plays were more or less just leans, and he doesn't play them.

Ive been happy to follow Nico from the beginning so Im happy to say I have made money, but this is a 100% false statement. Originally Nico stated that he played everything, then roughly one month into the NBA season he realized the 2 unit plays were doing poorly so he stated he would no longer be making plays on those, but rather would just post 2 unit plays as "leans", play 3/4 unit plays, and keep records.

New member
Oct 25, 2012
Ive been happy to follow Nico from the beginning so Im happy to say I have made money, but this is a 100% false statement. Originally Nico stated that he played everything, then roughly one month into the NBA season he realized the 2 unit plays were doing poorly so he stated he would no longer be making plays on those, but rather would just post 2 unit plays as "leans", play 3/4 unit plays, and keep records.

Absolutely True statement.....He also just mentioned that he will be playing the next 7-10 days smaller units on his NHL 3-4 units O/U. Never said what his units were going to be temporarily for those.........

Here's what I dont get.......Nico's system has been profitable and no doubt everyone is grateful he posts. I have never bashed him, just simply stated FACTS. However, people for some reason get all sensative and start coming after people who make observations about the system. He will never tell anybody how the system works, and in all honesty I don't want to know how it works.

What concerened me is that he was right on track with where he said his system was and where it was going until he took a break.....We have no idea what could have occurred in those 4 days. For all we know he could have gone 16-0 and won 35 units. Point is, we will never know. What I do know, is at this point roughly 3 weeks ago(when he came back from his break), he was up over 100 units, Now he is up 47 units. He lost over half of his profits in 3 weeks and hit roughly 41% in 112 plays. That should concern people who follow the system. I hope he turns it around and I am rooting for him to. Nico's system interests me and that is why I am posting about it and will continue to disect it the way I see it.........and No jerk off posting saying I have "No clue" or "No idea" what I am doing is going to stop me from calling a spade a spade. BOL!

Blah Blah Blah
Mar 7, 2006
Absolutely True statement.....He also just mentioned that he will be playing the next 7-10 days smaller units on his NHL 3-4 units O/U. Never said what his units were going to be temporarily for those.........

Here's what I dont get.......Nico's system has been profitable and no doubt everyone is grateful he posts. I have never bashed him, just simply stated FACTS. However, people for some reason get all sensative and start coming after people who make observations about the system. He will never tell anybody how the system works, and in all honesty I don't want to know how it works.

What concerened me is that he was right on track with where he said his system was and where it was going until he took a break.....We have no idea what could have occurred in those 4 days. For all we know he could have gone 16-0 and won 35 units. Point is, we will never know. What I do know, is at this point roughly 3 weeks ago(when he came back from his break), he was up over 100 units, Now he is up 47 units. He lost over half of his profits in 3 weeks and hit roughly 41% in 112 plays. That should concern people who follow the system. I hope he turns it around and I am rooting for him to. Nico's system interests me and that is why I am posting about it and will continue to disect it the way I see it.........and No jerk off posting saying I have "No clue" or "No idea" what I am doing is going to stop me from calling a spade a spade. BOL!

Great Comments Rous and 100% agree it's ridiculous you can't say ONE thing without 50 people jumping all over you about it even though if read with some kind of sensibility you can clearly see it's not bashing.... I mean God forbid you question the GREAT and POWERFUL OOOOZZZZ!!!!! Pulease..... I'm with you on the 2 unit plays to me I don't even get why they are there if they are continuing over time to be shit, then shitcan them all together. What is the point of tracking something that is no good and that is not being played... Also what is the point about bragging about a great day of 2 unit plays for the same reason especially when they're down 31 units for the year...... Also, a statement was made about using old data and doing it wrong but now it is fixed? So all year, even in times of success, the wrong data was being used? Perhaps you are onto something about that break.... Who knows, maybe that's when the mistake was made and since then is why it's been so bad...... Everyone bashes me when I question but what they don't realize is I want it to be AWESOME cause I wanna make some money so I wish everyone good luck but that doesn't mean I won't have some questions and concerns along the way this is a forum and public so I feel if you do it with class and respect no one should have an issue! Anyone here is familiar with ACE ACE and he get's thousands of replies and questioned all the time but answers everyone with class as he is all class most of the time, lol

GLTY All!!!!!

Blah Blah Blah
Mar 7, 2006
Guys just for the record rous or anyone else can post a tracking thread like this as long as he isn't bashing other posters and he is being somewhat respectful.. this is the rubber room so mostly anything goes except death threats or racism.

He respected nico's wishes by not posting it in his thread and came down here which is practically freedom of speech zone

GL and guys dont fight as it solves nothing :)!/


Murph, Nice statement I like it!

New member
Oct 25, 2012
Tokens a few things I am going to mention here. I will just say this.......I am glad I really started looking into this. There is some sketchy stuff starting to go down, and I am starting to believe that it all started with that 4 day break. JUST MY opinion......I will start Nico's record at zero from this point on and add on for tracking purposes and update weekly.

-Just 4 days ago Nico mentions that he will be playing his NHL plays but for smaller units for 7-10 days, then comes out today and says he is DONE playing them for the year and to play at your own risk......WTF??????

- He also is now posting his system record now with NO total when you combine NHL and NBA.....coincidence.....???? who knows at this point......

- Bottom line is from thursday on his NHL went 5-3 on 2U and 4-5 on 3-4U. NBA went 2-1 on 2U and 5-4 on 3-4U
- Overall making it 7-4 on 2U and 10-10 on 3-4U, from thursday to end of week.
- Overall since 4 day break 25-29 on 2units and 39-51 on 3-4units.......TOTAL being 64-79 roughly 44% since break.

So heres what I dont get..... Nico's system goes 9-8 in NHL from the point when he said he was going to play smaller units on them for 7-10 days, and then comes out today and says he's done????? Again, WTF. His NBA after his disaster 3 days and dropping 20+units right after break has basically been dead even since then. Like I mentioned before, NBA or NHL, doesn't matter which one you look at and compare it to last year numbers he is hitting no where near the numbers he got last year for the systems. I also find it interesting that he is basically blaming NHL shortened season on NHL issues in the system. However, last year the NBA had a shortened season and his NBA system still did pretty damn good last year.

Bottom line for me is that I am now ready to state my opinion and draw some conclusions. I trusted everything Nico said and posted BEFORE he took his 4 day break. NOW, the guy is eratic constantly, coming up with excuses, and frankly making no sense in his reasoning or statements he is making about the system. One example I highlight is the one mentioned most recently. How do you make a statement that you will play the your system for 7-10 days, go 9-8 in the first 4 days and then say your done playing it for the year???? It doesn't make any sense.....Good luck guys as always. I will continue to track this and am interested to see how this will continue to play out on a daily basis.

New member
Jan 6, 2012
Great job posting actual numbers to support your argument and keeping it civil. I have no idea who this Nico is and will likely never follow or fade him. I just like civil discourse and a decent presenting of facts. From what I've read, it sounds like he got sick of maintaining his records and researching games for a system that wasn't having the success he desired, especially if he's posting his plays and standing by his record, bad as it may be. Just my .02

New member
Sep 1, 2010
Bottom line for me is that I am now ready to state my opinion and draw some conclusions.

Okay. We're waiting. What are your opinions/conclusions?

You've done nothing more than post easily available win/loss numbers from the past few weeks -- you know, the same data that nico meticulously keeps in his own thread.

New member
Oct 25, 2012
Okay. We're waiting. What are your opinions/conclusions?

You've done nothing more than post easily available win/loss numbers from the past few weeks -- you know, the same data that nico meticulously keeps in his own thread.

you FAIL again steadydoses. You quote one line that opens a paragraph and don't read whats under it???? Wow, get a clue. You obviously have an agenda, because all you do is bitch at people. Why don't you state an opinion on something so I can rip you apart you TOOL.

New member
Sep 1, 2010
Okay here's my opinion: you are a moron, the fish at the table, not all there, lacking awareness, delusional, etc

But let's see if I can help you.

Take a step back. What possible effect can these 2 events, the pinnacle of your conspiracy theory, the "what's under it", have on nico's system:

1. the 4 day break?
2. his response to your non-stop questions about his decision to play a hockey system during a lock out shortened, anomaly of a season (I'm referring to your "7-10 day" statement, since you need everything spelled out.)?

I'm done with this. But I do hope you crack the case of the mysterious statistical variance ;)

New member
Oct 25, 2012
Okay here's my opinion: you are a moron, the fish at the table, not all there, lacking awareness, delusional, etc

But let's see if I can help you.

Take a step back. What possible effect can these 2 events, the pinnacle of your conspiracy theory, the "what's under it", have on nico's system:

1. the 4 day break?
2. his response to your non-stop questions about his decision to play a hockey system during a lock out shortened, anomaly of a season (I'm referring to your "7-10 day" statement, since you need everything spelled out.)?

I'm done with this. But I do hope you crack the case of the mysterious statistical variance ;)

Once again, you bring nothing to the table. Thank you for being done, because Im tired of you talking about statistical variance. For a guy who seems all about statistics, it blows my mind that you have not mentioned one thing about how Nico has SUCKED since the four day break, DOWN 20 units roughly in hoops, and DOWN 35 Units in NHL. Must be statistical variance.....hahahah. Thats a good one man, I am gonna start using that excuse to my boss......."sorry Boss, couldn't get the sale, because it's statiscal variance" What a joke you are. Glad your done with my thread.

New member
Oct 25, 2012
Ok, and the saga continues. I was glad to see Nico return to his normal form again finally, and is showing signs that he could be returning to form. His picks in general are making more sense. Numbers listed below for the week

On his 2* he went 12-4
On his 3-4* he went 22-14

Overall since break on 2* 37-33
Overall since break on 3-4* 61-64

Overall Total 98-97 50% ...........very interesting.......Lets see if Nico has turned the corner again......BOL
Last edited:

New member
Oct 25, 2012
0-4 last night and down 10 units to start the week already.....he's got a big card in hockey, and a square play on the over in the thunder game......its ganna be tough for him to finish in the positive this week after starting 10 units down right off the bat. We shall see......

New member
Oct 25, 2012
For week 3/4-3/10....

2* 5-12
3-4* 14-18

Overall since 4 day break....

2* 42-45
3-4* 75-83

Total = 117-128 Roughly 47%

This has been bad.....Nico pulled an 1-4 last night with his 3-4U thats not even included in his numbers yet. Since his 4 day break roughly 6 weeks ago, both his systems are down a combined -60 units. If you noticed, he stopped posting his combined total a few weeks ago. I just dont understand how he really has not addressed how he could be so far off statistically from his numbers last year. Anyway, it looks like fading his hockey is the way to go, and his basketball is 50/50 at best.....he went 0-4 on his basketball plays yesterday, and all of them were on heavy on the public side.......even though he says he tries to get on the sharp side. Doesn't make any sense, this guy now reeks of a fraud after his 4 day break.

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